How do clubs get new members and have a little fun doing it? The Two for Two plan may work for your club.
Download the .pdf file!
Kiwanis even has a “roster analysis worksheet” with suggestions of professions that you may want to contact.
Use this tool when you want to find out what your members are thinking. An online survey is available at this link.
Hosting a membership drive and need to know how to get started? That’s what this guide is for!
Download the .pdf tool!
Want to find out if you are getting the most bang for your buck from your projects?
Are your members just not satisfied by your projects? Maybe the mix isn’t working anymore?
When was the last time you stopped to celebrate your club members and the impact they have on your community?
Curious about whether or not your club has the right mix of projects? Is something missing?
How well is your club connected into your community? Do you need partners to pitch in on some of your projects?
Do you have a plan? Are you setting and reaching your goals? How do you know when you’ve achieved your goals? Become SMART!
Feeling like you could do a little more in your community? Maybe you want to swap out a current project for a new one? Use this tool to help you get where you want to go!
Can your club be found on the KI website using the Find a Club tool? Make sure!
Club Growth Resources
How do clubs get new members and have a little fun doing it? The Two for Two plan may work for your club.
Download the .pdf file!
Kiwanis even has a “roster analysis worksheet” with suggestions of professions that you may want to contact.
Download the .pdf file!
Use this tool when you want to find out what your members are thinking. An online survey is available at this link.
Download the .pdf file!
Hosting a membership drive and need to know how to get started? That’s what this guide is for!
Download the .pdf tool!
Want to find out if you are getting the most bang for your buck from your projects?
Download the .pdf tool!
Are your members just not satisfied by your projects? Maybe the mix isn’t working anymore?
Download the .pdf tool!
When was the last time you stopped to celebrate your club members and the impact they have on your community?
Download the .pdf tool!
Curious about whether or not your club has the right mix of projects? Is something missing?
Download the .pdf tool!
How well is your club connected into your community? Do you need partners to pitch in on some of your projects?
Download the .pdf tool!
Do you have a plan? Are you setting and reaching your goals? How do you know when you’ve achieved your goals? Become SMART!
Download the .pdf tool!
Feeling like you could do a little more in your community? Maybe you want to swap out a current project for a new one? Use this tool to help you get where you want to go!
Download the .pdf tool!
Can your club be found on the KI website using the Find a Club tool? Make sure!
Download the .pdf tool!
Upcoming events
Middleton Kiwanis Club Anniversary 03/02/1964
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