2012-2013 WI-UM Kiwanis District Governor Lynn Messer, inspired by his non-verbal granddaughter on the autism spectrum, designated his Governors Project, iPads for Autism, with a goal of furnishing iPads, protective cases and software apps to children on the spectrum whose families have financial need. This project has positively affected more than 1,600 children on the spectrum, along with their family members, caregivers and teachers. The iPads for Autism project has the capacity to make a difference in every community in our District.
A grant application which can be downloaded and distributed to special education professionals in your community for referral to families in need, is available from Past District Governor Lynn Messer.
Every Kiwanis club is being asked to: 1) Appoint a club member to serve as a liaison for the iPads for Autism project. This person will facilitate communication as grant applications for children in your community are received. 2) Contact the special education professionals in your school district and ask them to recommend children on the autism spectrum who would a) benefit from the technology, b) have sufficient family support to use the technology with the child at home and c) have financial need. 3) Budget or raise $400 per application received and send your check to the Kiwanis District Foundation.
This project offers children with autism hope, opportunity, love and a brighter future. These children need you and your Kiwanis club. To learn more, please submit the contact form.
iPads for Autism
2012-2013 WI-UM Kiwanis District Governor Lynn Messer, inspired by his non-verbal granddaughter on the autism spectrum, designated his Governors Project, iPads for Autism, with a goal of furnishing iPads, protective cases and software apps to children on the spectrum whose families have financial need. This project has positively affected more than 1,600 children on the spectrum, along with their family members, caregivers and teachers. The iPads for Autism project has the capacity to make a difference in every community in our District.
A grant application which can be downloaded and distributed to special education professionals in your
community for referral to families in need, is available from Past District Governor Lynn Messer.
Every Kiwanis club is being asked to:
1) Appoint a club member to serve as a liaison for the iPads for Autism project. This person will
facilitate communication as grant applications for children in your community are received.
2) Contact the special education professionals in your school district and ask them to recommend children on the autism spectrum who would a) benefit from the technology, b) have sufficient family support to use the technology with the child at home and c) have financial need.
3) Budget or raise $400 per application received and send your check to the Kiwanis District Foundation.
This project offers children with autism hope, opportunity, love and a brighter future. These children
need you and your Kiwanis club. To learn more, please submit the contact form.
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Middleton Kiwanis Club Anniversary 03/02/1964
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