Kiwanis clubs are volunteer-based. Traditionally, club meetings take place a few times a month and offer an atmosphere of fun, learning and fellowship. Club members typically volunteer each month to assist with service projects. We’d love for you to get involved and amplify our impact in the community. Together, we can improve the world, one child and one community at a time.
If you’re ready to help children and families in your community, then Kiwanis is for you! Locate a Kiwanis club in your area. Choose up to three club locations near you to receive a personal guest invitation.
Visiting a club meeting, event or service project is an excellent way to learn more about Kiwanis, make contacts and let Kiwanis members know more about you.
Join Kiwanis, help kids
Kiwanis clubs are volunteer-based. Traditionally, club meetings take place a few times a month and offer an atmosphere of fun, learning and fellowship. Club members typically volunteer each month to assist with service projects. We’d love for you to get involved and amplify our impact in the community. Together, we can improve the world, one child and one community at a time.
If you’re ready to help children and families in your community, then Kiwanis is for you! Locate a Kiwanis club in your area. Choose up to three club locations near you to receive a personal guest invitation.
Visiting a club meeting, event or service project is an excellent way to learn more about Kiwanis, make contacts and let Kiwanis members know more about you.
Click here to learn more!
Kiwanis Membership Application
Apply for membership in a club within the WI-UM Kiwanis District.
Upcoming events
Middleton Kiwanis Club Anniversary 03/02/1964
Facebook Posts