Submitted by Jodie Rietveld, Kiwanis Club of Little Chute
The Kiwanis Club of Little Chute collaborated with the Scholastic Literacy Partnership in an effort to deliver books to all fifth-grade students in Little Chute. The club worked with teachers from Little Chute Intermediate School, the Flex Academy charter school, and St. John parochial school to choose appropriate books for the fifth-grade reading level.
Every child was able to choose a book from the collection — ranging from fiction to non-fiction, including graphic novels — providing something of interest to everyone. Students were excited to choose a book and, as one recipient put it, “to keep it for myself!”
Kiwanis International partners with Scholastic to help clubs in their efforts to build literacy-rich programs and immerse children in the joy of reading. “Scholastic is ready to collaborate with you to make your programs a success and bridge the achievement gap by giving the gift of literacy,” according to Kiwanis International. “The work and support clubs provide is critical and offers more opportunities for children to have access to books, necessary to enhance their literacy development.”
The Scholastic Literacy Partnership is an annual project for the Kiwanis Club of Little Chute. Fifth-grade students experience quite a bit of transition time as some of the students are starting at a new school building and are entering the preteen years. As one teacher said, “Some students don’t feel reading is cool at this age.” The pandemic has resulted in some students falling behind in reading skills. Giving each student a book which interests them will hopefully encourage them to read more often and improve on the all-important skill of reading.
The Kiwanis club also fulfilled the school supplies wish list of teaching staff at the intermediate and middle schools. Often, teachers purchase supplies using personal resources to help out students who aren’t able to afford all the supplies needed during the school year.
To help alleviate teachers’ out-of-pocket expenses, the Kiwanis club purchased the needed supplies — from pencils and crayons to scientific calculators. School staff were overwhelmed at the boxes of supplies that were delivered. Each year the club chooses a different school and helps to purchase wish list items.
The Kiwanis Club of Little Chute strives to live by the motto ‘Kids Need Kiwanis’ and is active in helping to make the lives of all children brighter. Whether it’s the annual Little Chute Christmas Parade or sponsoring summer programs through the Little Chute Recreation Department so that all children can participate, the club is happy to help where a need exists. Grants are available to local groups that could use help in funding children’s programming.
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Last Updated: January 22, 2024 by talling
Little Chute Kiwanis Members Promote Student Literacy
Submitted by Jodie Rietveld, Kiwanis Club of Little Chute
The Kiwanis Club of Little Chute collaborated with the Scholastic Literacy Partnership in an effort to deliver books to all fifth-grade students in Little Chute. The club worked with teachers from Little Chute Intermediate School, the Flex Academy charter school, and St. John parochial school to choose appropriate books for the fifth-grade reading level.
Every child was able to choose a book from the collection — ranging from fiction to non-fiction, including graphic novels — providing something of interest to everyone. Students were excited to choose a book and, as one recipient put it, “to keep it for myself!”
Kiwanis International partners with Scholastic to help clubs in their efforts to build literacy-rich programs and immerse children in the joy of reading. “Scholastic is ready to collaborate with you to make your programs a success and bridge the achievement gap by giving the gift of literacy,” according to Kiwanis International. “The work and support clubs provide is critical and offers more opportunities for children to have access to books, necessary to enhance their literacy development.”
The Scholastic Literacy Partnership is an annual project for the Kiwanis Club of Little Chute. Fifth-grade students experience quite a bit of transition time as some of the students are starting at a new school building and are entering the preteen years. As one teacher said, “Some students don’t feel reading is cool at this age.” The pandemic has resulted in some students falling behind in reading skills. Giving each student a book which interests them will hopefully encourage them to read more often and improve on the all-important skill of reading.
The Kiwanis club also fulfilled the school supplies wish list of teaching staff at the intermediate and middle schools. Often, teachers purchase supplies using personal resources to help out students who aren’t able to afford all the supplies needed during the school year.
To help alleviate teachers’ out-of-pocket expenses, the Kiwanis club purchased the needed supplies — from pencils and crayons to scientific calculators. School staff were overwhelmed at the boxes of supplies that were delivered. Each year the club chooses a different school and helps to purchase wish list items.
The Kiwanis Club of Little Chute strives to live by the motto ‘Kids Need Kiwanis’ and is active in helping to make the lives of all children brighter. Whether it’s the annual Little Chute Christmas Parade or sponsoring summer programs through the Little Chute Recreation Department so that all children can participate, the club is happy to help where a need exists. Grants are available to local groups that could use help in funding children’s programming.
Category: Club Service Projects
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